Hello friends and followers of NFBSupport!
Happy Leap Day to you all! The NFBSupport team has been incredibly busy dealing with broken legs (yes, plural, no, no one on the team), broken cars (not ours this time), and birthdays (yes, the whole team and more!). It's been a wild start to the spring for us.
Enough about the team, on to the much delayed news!
A team of researchers from Max Planck Institute have found an antibody that acts on the NMDA receptor, when in the brain, to produce antidepressant-like effects (https://neurosciencenews.com/antibody-antidepressants-15772/). These antibodies are known to cause seizures or other neurological disorders when they are able to make it past the blood-brain barrier. Counter to those concerns, in the study they found mice with a higher level of the antibodies in their brains had a stronger resilience to stressful situations.
A study published in Frontiers in Medicine reported that two ethnobotanical medicines are more effective at combating lyme disease than antibiotics in vitro (outside of a living organism https://neurosciencenews.com/ethnobotanial-lyme-disease-15757/). During their study they found that a 7 day regimen of 1% ghanaian quinine would completely eliminate the bacteria!
The last two studies for this week come from USF and IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca about the mental health benefits of variety in activities and the lasting effects of meditation on the brain (https://neurosciencenews.com/variety-consistency-brain-health-15734/ and https://neurosciencenews.com/meditation-brain-15759/ respectively). After reviewing two sets of data, the researchers from USF found that keeping active in a diverse variety of activities daily had lasting effects on cognitive health ten years later. When it comes to meditation, the team at IMT found that meditation reduced stress and that there were even physical connection changes that were visible using MRI.
Stay safe out there everyone,
Till Next Time!